Mitsubishi Outlander manuals

Mitsubishi Outlander: Diagnostic Trouble Code Procedures


 DTC P0703, P0705, P0711, P0712, P0713, P0715, P0720, P0725, P0740, P0741, P0745

DTC P0703: Malfunction of Stoplight Switch Stoplight switch system circuit DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION TCM detects malfunction using the stoplight switch signal sent from the ETACS-ECU. DESCRIPTIONS OF MON

 DTC P0746, P0776, P0778, P0815, P0816, P0826, P0840, P0841, P0868, P0882, P0883

DTC P0746: Abnormality in Hydraulic Control System Function DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION TCM determines that the malfunction is present when pulley ratio becomes higher (pulley ratio range: 2.349 to 0.394). DE

 DTC P1637, P1706, P1710, P1723, P1740, P1745, P1773, P1777, P1778, P1902, U0001, U0100, U0121, U0141

DTC P1637: Malfunction of Memory Backup Memory backup system circuit DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION TCM checks the consistency between EEPROM and the backup memory. DESCRIPTIONS OF MONITOR METHODS When the ig


 Front Axle Hub Assembly

REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION CAUTION The magnetic encoder collects metallic particles easily, because it is magnetized. Make sure that the magnetic encoder should not collect metallic particles. Check that there is not any trouble prior to reassembling it. When removing and installing the fron

 Valve Stem Seal

REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION CAUTION *Remove and assemble the marked parts in each cylinder unit. Pre-removal operation Engine Room Under Cover Front B and Engine Room Side Cover (RH) Removal Engine Oil Draining Rocker Cover Assembly Removal Engine Oil Pan Removal Timing Chain Removal Post-in

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